Animal Business Network shares & promotes animal-related services, products, charities, courses, events, pet names, etc.
Listing on this website is free, but premium listing with a colour logo is charged for at a minimal rate, which covers
the cost of hosting this website.

Proudly South African & proudly Capetonian, we believe local is lekker & try as much as possible
to support local businesses & projects. Sometimes, however, there is useful information that is not local,
so we have included these links at the bottom of the listings.
This website is designed & managed by Karen Gray-Kilfoil, who has been working in animal-related careers,
keeping & training pets & doing animal-related hobbies & sports all her life. She has a passion for connecting
people & sourcing good advice, especially regarding animals & nature. She is the owner of & chief facilitator at
in Sun Valley. Karen is a qualified and experienced animal behaviourist and humane educator.
Website development is by Paul Kilfoil:
Press F5 for the most up-to-date version. Print lists using the print button at top right of each page.
* Suggestions or comments
* Free listing
* Changing any of your details
* Details about premium advertising @ R200 per annum
* Details about website hosting @ R200 per annum
Phone, WhatsApp or SMS: 084 818 5273
To share services, products, events, stories, photos, videos