Animal Business Network shares & promotes animal-related services, products, charities, courses, events, pet names, etc. Listing on this website is free, but premium listing with a colour logo is charged for at a minimal rate, which covers the cost of hosting this website.

Proudly South African & proudly Capetonian, we believe local is lekker & try as much as possible to support local businesses & projects. Sometimes, however, there is useful information that is not local, so we have included these links at the bottom of the listings.

This website is designed & managed by Karen Gray-Kilfoil, who has been working in animal-related careers, keeping & training pets & doing animal-related hobbies & sports all her life. She has a passion for connecting people & sourcing good advice, especially regarding animals & nature. She is the owner of & chief facilitator at PUPPY PRE-SCHOOL in Sun Valley. Karen is a qualified and experienced animal behaviourist and humane educator.

Website development is by Paul Kilfoil: 

Press F5 for the most up-to-date version. Print lists using the print button at top right of each page.


* Suggestions or comments
* Free listing
* Changing any of your details
* Details about premium advertising @ R200 per annum
* Details about website hosting @ R200 per annum

Phone, WhatsApp or SMS: 084 818 5273
To share services, products, events, stories, photos, videos 

To advertise on this site, for free listing on this page or to change your details, contact us.

Karen Gray-Kilfoil's Animal Business Network